Thursday, December 17, 2009

JAKAF holds sit-in against hr violations in stringer

The activists of Joint Association of Kashmiri Affected Families(JAKAF) held a silent protest sit-in at Partab Park /Press Colony in Srinagar, today, againstthe practicescustodial disappearances and tortureby the Indian troops,police and paramilitary forces in Kashmir.
The spokesman of the Association, briefing to the media men in Srinagar, said that the purpose of holding of the sit-in was to draw attention of the International Human Rights Organizations towards the custodial disappearances in Kashmir, illegal detention of the pro-liberation leaders, activists and torture against Kashmiri detenues during interrogation process.He said that the Govt of India and its regime are deliberately lingering the issue of disappeared persons to hush up the matter. While expressing dissatisfaction over the judicial system, he emphasized to constitute an Independent Commission to probe the matters pertaining to custodial disappearances and killings etc.
Meanwhile, APHC senior leader, Zaffar Akbar Bhat while addressing the participants of the sit-in, said that India should withdraw its troops, repeal all the Draconian laws and release all the illegally detained pro-freedom leaders and activists before starting meaningful talks to resolve the Kashmir dispute. He also appealed the world community and Human Rights organizations in the fitness of the desired peace and stability of the region, by playing effective role in settling the longest pending dispute of Kashmir.
Spokesman Ger.Secetry Chairman Chief Patron
Miss, Haseena Miss, Shazia Mr.G.M.Dar Mr.Zaffar Akber Bhat

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