Why world conscience is sleeping when unresolved Kashmir is burring and bleeding?
*Why right of self-determination is illegal and crime in disputed territory? Why Indian forces are killing our children, women and relatives during peaceful struggle of right to self-determination when Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru has said in the Indian Parliament on March 31 1955 “Kashmir is not a thing to be bandied about between India and Pakistan but it has soul of its own and an individuality of its own. Nothing can be done without the goodwill and consent of the people of Kashmir”.*Nehru, Indian Prime Minister's statement in Indian Parliament, February 12, 1951. "We had given our pledge to the people of Kashmir, and subsequently to the United Nations; we stood by it and we stand by it today. Let the people of Kashmir decide".
*Then why to hold on!
“…. We all agreed that it is the people of Kashmir who must decide for themselves about their future externally or internally. It is an obvious fact that, even without our agreement, no country is going to hold on to Kashmir against the will of the Kashmir’s”. Nehru, Indian Prime Minister's statement at press conference in London, January 16, 1951. Reported in The Statesman, New Delhi January 18, 1951)JAKAF concerns:* FAQ’s¬¬¬¬¬¬----- Frequently Asked Questions
* Where are our dear ones who disappeared in Indian troops and police custody?* Why Kashmiri people are detained under draconian laws with out any rhyme and reasons?* Why Kashmiri women, mothers and sisters are made war weapon in Jammu and Kashmir* Why Kashmir’s property, residential houses and business centers are destroyed with heavy mortar shelling during siege and search operations?* Why doesn’t India give up intransigence on Kashmir?* Indian armed and paramilitary forces in Kashmir commit mass Human Rights violations with impunity * AFSPA a major contributor to Rights Violations * Disappearances, Rapes, Extra Judicial Executions and Killings resulting from torture facilitated by AFSPA * Thousands have disappeared over the 20-years in Kashmir * Victim families still waiting for justice * Why Indian troops have illegally occupied the land (paradise on earth) of Kashmiri’s
Spokesman Gen.Secretry Chairman Cheif Patron
Miss,Haseena Miss, Shazia Mr.G.M.Dar Mr.Zaffar Akber Bhat
e.mail,jakaf12@gmail.com Phone No 9906890109 ,,9697976274
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