APHC Delegation Led by senior Hurriyat Leader and Chairman Salvation Movement Zaffar Akber Bhat visited Garikhal, Awantipora Pulwama to express solidarity with the family of Shaheed Dr Mudasir Ahmad shah S/O Bashir Ahmad Shah , Zaffar while addressing a public gathering at Garikhal Awantipora on the Resm-e-Chaharum of Shaheed Mudasir Ahmad Shah that he has repeated the history .The son of our soil have proved themselves time and again .They have left their luxurious jobs and sacrificed for the right to self determination of the people here. While paying rich tributes to Mudasr Ahmad Shah reiterated that the mission of martyrs will be taken to its logical end. Zaffar said. It was because of their supreme sacrifices that Kashmir issue had become the focus of international attention. and world powers are trying to pressure the boath Governments of India Pakistan to resolve the dispute,he said .Zaffar urged the people and profreedom leadership to continue the mission of martyrs unitedly till India find political soluation according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir .No talks between India Pakistan will brought any success unless and until (GOI) will accept the Kashmir as a dispute and kashmiri as a prime party of the dispute . Speciall parayers offered for Shaheed Mudasir and other martyrs of Kashmir at the grave yard and on the occasion people reiterated their resolve to take the mission of martyrs forward. 
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